eCell Bond Invites Rewards

According to the latest DAO governance results, the community invitation rewards for the eCell Bond Protocol scenario are as follows:

1.Reward ratio

The incentive ratio of bonds issued in different periods may be different. The incentive ratio is determined by the community according to the size of bonds raised and the total incentive amount.

Take eCell230110, the community's first bond

The basic reward part is 1%(invitee)+0% (inviter), this part of the reward has no threshold, all community users can enjoy; The bonus portion is a 5% (invitee) +5% (inviter) bonus, which will be unlocked and activated for users who meet specific community incentive conditions.

Examples :

You invite Alice to be your friend.

Alice's base bonus is 1%, and both you and Alice's bonus are 5%.

When Alice subscribes to Bond with eCell and obtains 100 Bond tokens, 11% or 11 Bond tokens will be generated.

5% of this bonus goes to you, your base bonus +0 Bond, plus bonus +5 Bond.

In addition, 1% of the base bonus and 5% of the additional bonus are given to Alice. Alice's base bonus +1 Bond and additional bonus +5 Bond.

The base reward is immediate and Alice will receive a total of 100+1=101 bonds when she subscribs for the Bond.

The bonus amount accumulates regardless of whether the bonus eligibility is activated, but can only be withdrawn when the community user's bonus eligibility is activated.

Assuming that you are not eligible for additional rewards, over time Alice has forged a total of 100,000 Bond tokens. According to the bonus rules, your address will accumulate additional rewards of 50,000 bonds. When your additional rewards are activated at some point in the future, you can withdraw the additional rewards from the bonus contract.

2. Add bonus activation conditions

Ranked by Bond value

Bond value = number of bonds held by the user + number of bonds held by friends invited by the user

The community will take a snapshot of the coin holding address list of all bond stock once a week, conduct time-weighted average processing, and use the weighted value as the basis for ranking. The ranking will be adjusted once every quarter. The community users whose weighted contribution meets the ranking requirements will be activated for additional rewards within a quarter cycle. Additional bonus eligibility will be reassigned during the next ranking cycle.

The Bond Protocol Community Ranking Rewards program will officially begin on 2021-12-31 when the Bond agreement goes live. Additional rewards will be accumulated at a predetermined rate until the end of the first round of ranking. Users who meet the criteria of the rewards can receive a lump sum after the activation of their eligibility.

Last updated